I am happy to say, "we've made our curriculum choices for the new school year!" (Ta-Dah!) I've been agonizing (not really,) and losing sleep (ehr....yes really,) over making our curriculum choices. After waiting to hear from a Charter school about enrollment, we are all set.(YAY!) So, I dove in and made the final choices! Phew, I can exhale and start planning. And the winners are...(drumroll please!){P.S. The layout of this post may be kind of hard to read. For whatever reason, I cannot get the layout to do what I want!? Sorry.} This post contains affiliate links, see my disclosure policy in 'pages.'
Bible:(Pre-K and K) We will not be following any one specific curriculum, but utilizing several different sources. I love Carisa over at
1+1+1=1('s) Raising Rock Stars Bible verse songs and activities. We also have a Bible Doodles book, which I can't seem to find anywhere, now...but, it's great. They give you scripture reference, part of a picture to color in, and directions to finish the picture,(hence the doodling.)

We also have some Veggie Tales and What's In The Bible devotionals and projects. Along with various We Choose Virtues, and Grapevine Studies. (Have I mentioned that I am ecclectic?)
Math:(K) I was all set to do Math U See, but, I wanted to start with the Primer level, just so we don't miss any crucial fundementals before moving on. But, Lalalicious is beyond what is in the primer level, and the way Math U See is set up, it just didn't make sense to go with them this year. So, we will be using Horizons Math K. It is complete, so I know we will cover all the basics, while still challenging her. (Wouldn't want her to get bored!)

Health:(Pre-K and K) I have some mini unit studies off of pinterest, and fun projects...but our MAIN resource will be Horizons Health Kindergarten (Obi Wan will get in on it too!) We also have a few of the Human Body Detective books.
Language Arts:(Pre-K) Obi Wan will continue going through Get Ready, Set, and Go for the Code books along with
Confessions of a Homeschooler's Letter Of The Week and K4 curriculum.
(K) Lalalicious will be doing Explode The Code as her main reading curriculum.

We are also using
123Homeschool4Me's Reading The Easy Way.
3Dinosaurs (along with a collaberation of a few other very talented people,) BOB books printables. Spelling; I am SUPER excited to be starting
All About Spelling with Licious this year!(NUFF SAID.) Handwriting; Both Obi Wan and Lalalicious will be doing A Reason For Handwriting K. Writing; Licious will be doing WriteShop Primary, Book A.
Science:(K) Licious will be doing Nancy Larson Science K!
History/Geography:(K) We have
Confessions of a Homeschooler's Road Trip USA curriculum!(We will also be using her Artist and Literature Unit studies.

And, we will do a brief continent study with printables from
Homeschool Creations and
Activity Village.

Social Studies: This one is a little, all over the place! We have some fun study packs on different community helpers and 'community' in general.
So that's it, for now! Hope your planning is going well! Tiffany (taffygrinch)
enjoy your upcoming year. :)
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